Difference between interior design and home renovation

Today in our topic, we will discuss the difference between interior designing and home renovation. If you are in the process of renovating your home, you can mistakenly believe that interior design is the same thing. But, there are a few key distinctions between the two. What does an interior designer do? A professional interior designer is expected to serve as a design consultant for your project. They will advise and give guidance about your design ideas, create an ideal plan, source the materials required, be your project manager during the renovation, and sometimes even help you with the decoration.

What is home renovation?

What is home renovation

Restoration is often a part of the work that is done during renovations. You might, for instance, repaint the walls or cabinets, replace the fixtures or hardware, or do all of the above. You could modernize or refurbish older or outmoded items. Whereas, home renovation involves sprucing up the existing elements and fixtures while bringing new life to the space. Because of this, most renovations are completed on a somewhat modest scale. At the same time, the addition of a new room, modifications of a room, or even the construction of a porch come under home renovation. One might do this because they are interested in increasing the appeal or comfort of their homes.

Important: The goal of interior design is to create a space in your house that is both aesthetically good-looking and functional. This can be accomplished by the utilization of color schemes and the positioning of furniture.

It is crucial to identify the distinction between these two common sorts of home improvement projects. Doing so will help you make the most out of your home renovation endeavors, regardless of whether you want to improve the functionality of your home or give it a more modern appearance.



The focus of each sector is what differentiates house renovation from interior design as the primary difference between the two. The goal of house renovation is to improve a home’s usability.

On the other hand, interior design focuses on creating a visually pleasing environment. To achieve this, interior designers use materials, furniture, and other accessories. Truth be told, some vital components of interior design might be included in a home restoration project as well. But the two fields are unique and need different skill sets to be successful.

Improving your home’s utility is another focus of any home renovation project. It can involve ripping down walls to create an open-concept floor plan or even something as basic as replacing your carpentry. These are all examples of home renovation. Another important point is that most of the time, home renovation projects are carried out with the assistance of a renovation contractor.

Some interior designers may have previous experience working on renovation projects, but this is not necessarily required because many projects can be finished without any alterations to the property’s structure.

Scope of work

Scope of work

Here is another critical difference between the above two fields. What we are referring to here is the scope of work. Renovating a home often concentrates on making improvements to the exterior of the building, while it is not the same when it comes to interior design. The latter considers both the inside and exterior surfaces of a building. Basically, capable of providing a service that is more all-encompassing.

Training required

Training required

Training is another aspect that differentiates these two kinds of work. Being a home renovation expert typically requires no more than a few years of experience and training on the job. But that is not the same when it comes to interior design. A minimum of a three-year education from a recognized school is required to work as an interior designer. One might ask why this academic knowledge is required. This additional knowledge gives designers a greater understanding of space planning and various other critical principles renovators aren’t usually familiar with.

How is the project carried out?

How is the project carried out

The final point is that most people look at house renovation as projects that they can handle on their own. On the other hand, interior design is recognized as a profession that provides services to clients. Imagine that you are thinking about employing someone to assist you with the redesign of your home. In this situation, it is highly recommended that you seek the services of an interior designer.

Difference in approaches

Difference in approaches 

In most cases, the reasons behind home renovations are not the same. Some people are looking for the best deal and try to raise the value of their properties in preparation for reselling them. They tend to concentrate on projects that will have the greatest significant impact on increasing the home’s value.

On the other hand, individuals more concerned with creating a comfortable and visually beautiful environment are more likely to go ahead with an approach that has a lot to do with interior design.

You have to remember that home renovation and interior design are not alternatives. There are some broad differences between the two fields. People who go into a home improvement project with the mindset that they need to make a short fix often make long-term modifications.

Those who initially prioritize convenience and appealing appearances are more likely to make long-term investments that prove profitable in the future.


Now you must be well aware that several important distinctions must be made between the processes of house renovation and interior design. We believe that, before the beginning of any project involving home improvements, it is essential to have a solid knowledge of these differences. When you know the perfect solutions for your exact requirements, there is a high chance of you getting satisfied with the outcomes of your project.  
